Travelers navigate hotel and flight changes following the New Orleans terror attack

NOW: Travelers navigate hotel and flight changes following the New Orleans terror attack

NEW ORLEANS. -- ABC57’s Blake Parker spoke to a Granger resident, Ken Sage, who is in New Orleans with his family for the playoff game between Georgia and Notre Dame.

“Probably staying out of big crowds is something that we’re gonna try to accomplish today… It’s just really a cloud over this whole city right now,” said Sage.

Following the vehicle terror attack that took place on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, Sage said many travelers are scrambling to rearrange flight and hotel plans.

“The hotel here today has been a little bit crazy everybody is shuffling and trying to, you know, reschedule their flights and get an extra night at the hotel and obviously there’s a lot of logistical problems that need to be taken care of,” said Sage.

American Airlines told ABC57 they are being flexible with travelers going to, through, or from New Orleans.

“…additional flexibility may allow customers to adjust their travel plans without additional fees. In addition, an extra section on Friday between MSY-DFW has been added, providing additional lift for those needing to depart MSY,” said an American Airlines representative.

American Airlines also issued a travel alert to passengers with details on how to change their flights.

Since airlines operate separately from airports, travelers should check with their specific airline to see what alerts have been issued.

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