The hits and misses of the Super Bowl commercials

NOTRE DAME, Ind. — Millions around the world tuned in to see the big game Sunday night but some were more interested in the commercials.

From goats who love to eat Doritos, to seniors loving life, to the classic M&M's making an appearance, advertisers spent millions of dollars to make an impression and hopefully get your business.

Monday, a marketing professor at St. Mary's College weighed in on which ads scored and which ones failed to deliver.

"I think Budweiser left us with a really good impression. I think when you are looking at Budweiser; they're always dealing with family values and it just resonates. Friendship, relationships, loyalty; I think that one was the one that people will remember for years and years to come.

"I think GoDaddy, the Kiss, was just awful. I think it went over the top. People are talking about it because it was so awful and I think that's going to go down in history as probably one of the worst, most disgusting ads that they could have come up with," said Jayce Hicks, Associate Professor of Marketing St. Mary's College.

Hicks says other ads that struck a chord where the Jeep USO tribute to our military men and women and the ad of Paul Harvey talking about farmers should also resonate in the Midwest.

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