School corporation working on solutions to fill in gaps created by staff shortages

NOW: School corporation working on solutions to fill in gaps created by staff shortages

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- A new challenge is affecting schools nationwide and here at home.

Many districts are dealing with staffing shortages and without enough teachers, the entire education system is working to adapt.

Kids are back to school for in-person learning but things are far from normal.

Recovering those learning gaps created during the pandemic is getting even more difficult for some due to the teacher shortage.

School districts across the nation are dealing with this issue and the South Bend Community School Corporation says it is looking at alternative solutions.

One of them being recruitment for substitute teachers to fill in those gaps, not only to help with the shortage but also to put teachers at ease who are going the extra mile taking on extra students.

“Teachers of South Bend are providing a lot of class coverage. We also have administrators and support staff willing to fill in as well. We all know the best is like a permanent teacher if you can find a permanent teacher who’s licensed so I can imagine it does impact but we hope to support our substitutes. Our principles are looking forward to substitutes,” said Diamond Robinson, SBCSC director of school learning, mentor of teachers and special projects.

A South Bend teacher we spoke to is feeling the exhaustion of the teacher shortage.

She says she’s picking up other classes while trying to teach her own.

She also says she is tired of asking other teachers to do the same for her classes.

She hopes more people will apply with the new pay incentives the district is offering.

So, if you're looking for a job where you can work any days you want as a sub, you can play a huge role in helping to bridge the gap.

Robinson says it’s taking a major team effort to maintain the standard of education for students.

Administrators, teachers and other school staffers are all critical and they’re being forced to keep rolling with the punches.

“We want to support teachers as much as we can. As a parent, I say when you see a teacher, make sure to thank the teacher. They are going above and beyond the call of duty. We appreciate all of our teachers,” Robinson said.

As the district struggles to find staff, it is raising its pay rate for substitutes.

The district is offering $100 dollars per day if you have 30 college credits, $120 dollars per day if you have a bachelor’s degree or higher and $165 dollars per day if you hold a valid Indiana teaching license.

Applicants also have to pass a background check.

The district says it is working with EDUstaff to recruit more people even outside of our area.

You can click the follow link to direct you on where to apply: EDUStaff, LLC

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