Penn Harris Madison outlines reopening plan

The Penn Harris Madison school district released an outline of its plan for reopening in the fall during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The school year will begin on August 19 for students in grades 1 -12. Kindergarten students will return on August 20.

School will be in session five days a week and the published calendar will be followed.

The following safety measures have been adopted in coordination with the St. Joseph County Department of Health.

  • Per the St. Joseph County Health Department Public Health Order, staff and students are required to have a mask (face covering) with them at all times. There will be times indoors or in enclosed spaces that 6 feet of physical distance cannot be maintained.
  • Students and staff will be required to be fever free for 72 hours without use of fever reducing medication before returning to school.
  • To maintain safe social distancing, lunch times will be staggered and available open space will be maximized.
  • Restrict visitors and guests in our school buildings.
  • Maximize instructional space and scheduling flexibility.
  • Employee enhanced cleaning procedures with additional hand sanitizer stations.
  • Identify and separate space in school clinics to treat symptomatic students.
  • Discontinuation of perfect attendance incentives for the 2020-21 school year.

Penn Harris Madison is also planning the following:

  • PHM will provide all students and employees with two (2) reusable masks (face covering).
  • Individualized school plans (which will be shared by early August) will ensure that social distancing can be maintained whenever possible
  • Arrival/Dismissal will be staggered with multiple entry points being utilized to reduce congestion
  • Breakfast/Lunch will be pre-packaged
  • Restroom breaks will be scheduled
  • All spaces will be sanitized frequently with enhanced cleaning procedures
  • Allow the use of a water fountain for bottle or cup refills only
  • Classrooms will be reorganized to maximize available space
  • Sharing instructional materials will be limited
  • Larger spaces will be repurposed to accommodate social distancing as often as possible
  • Teachers will formatively assess students to diagnose lost learning while also focusing on grade level content to advance students academically.
  • Teachers will monitor student progress and adjust supports as needed in order for appropriate academic growth.

The district plans to share the outline of the face-to-face and virtual instruction models so parents can choose the best option for their student later this week.

Within the week, we project that we will be able to share Penn-Harris-Madison’s district plans outlining our Face to Face and Virtual instruction options. To help us plan for the Fall, we will also be asking parents who want the virtual option to complete a survey by a deadline

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