Next round of Irish move in

NOTRE DAME – The University of Notre Dame’s campus looked like a zoo at first glance on Friday. It was complete with stop and go traffic, people unloading cars, and even dancing along the sidewalks. It was in good fun for undergraduate move-in day.

“Today has been a crazy day, but it’s been really fun. We spent a few hours this morning just getting the girls in the building,” said Junior Angela Ryck.

Ryck lives in McGlinn Hall and is helping new freshmen move into their rooms.

“We’re just waiting for more freshmen to get here so we can move them in,” said Ryck.

Those new freshmen spent some of their day waiting, too. Cars packed full of everything a student would need lined up in parking lots waiting to go to their dorms.

“We’re the only line backed up. Everyone else seems pretty expedient. So it’s kind of anticlimactic right now,” said Freshman Conrad Bailey.

Bailey is from LaGrange, Indiana, and his mother Peggy said she’d happy her son is getting the chance to go to Notre Dame, even though moving in might be work.

“Probably some stress at different moments, but overall all just really enjoying this moment,” said Peggy Bailey.

And the Bailey family has a lot of work ahead of them.

“He went from going I’m just taking one bag to the whole van being loaded,” said Peggy.

But there was a helping hand or two along the way to keep the new freshmen moving along on campus.

“To the freshman I would say take advantage of this weekend. Take up every opportunity to meet as many people as possible,” said Ryck.

But first, they might have to do some unpacking.

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