Nearly 100 speed humps being installed in South Bend neighborhoods

NOW: Nearly 100 speed humps being installed in South Bend neighborhoods

SOUTH BEND, Ind - New improvements are coming to South Bend to enhance traffic safety and reduce speeding in residential areas.  

South Bend and the Department of Public Works are working to install around 100 speed humps in 24 different neighborhoods across the city.  

After complaints from residents about cars going over the speed limit, city engineers held a meeting to discuss ways for traffic calming measures. 

From this, the Department of Public Works is currently in the process of installing speed humps in various areas based on requests from concerned residents.  

 The purpose of the speed humps is to create safer streets by reducing vehicle speed. 

 The way the speed humps will be built is based on a scoring system using traffic volume and crash data.  

 Whichever project scores the highest will be accommodated first based on funding availability.  

 The project is expected to be completed by November.  

 Now you may think a speed bump and a speed hump are the same thing. Nope!  

 Kara Boyles, the engineer for the city of South Bend breaks down the difference.   

 “A speed hump has more geometry to it when you think of a speed bump," she says. "A speed bump is narrow, it's going to be abrupt. A speed hump has more gradual slope, it's going to allow vehicles to traverse it with some speed still. A speed hump isn't meant to stop a vehicle, whereas a speed bump, would tend to cause the driver to completely slow down to maneuver over the speed bump."

 To find out exactly where these speed humps will be located, South Bend has a dashboard on where they will be located.

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