Mishawaka Mayor Wood vetoes rezoning for Casey's General Store

MISHAWAKA, Ind. -- Mishawaka Mayor David Wood announced in a letter addressed to the Mishawaka Common Council that he has vetoed the rezoning for Casey's General Store on the southeast corner of Douglas and Fir Roads.

In the letter, Wood states, "This marks only the third time in my 14-year tenure as mayor that I have felt so strongly about an issue that I believe this course of action is warranted."

Wood references what he states is the need to protect the newly constructed Juday Creek Wellfield.

Wood goes on to state in the letter, "While I understand the potential economic benefits of the project, I firmly believe that this decision does not align with our city’s long-term priorities for responsible growth and development…"

He then lists and describes five reasons he vetoed the gas station.

Reasons Wood lists include public health and safety, proximity to the Juday Creek Water Treatment Center and Wellfield, responsible growth and development, a history of dealing with contamination from a local gas station poisoning a wellfield, and support from Mishawaka’s team of professional planners, engineers and utility managers.

According to Wood's letter, the Family Express at Douglas and Fir Roads was referenced several times as the city accepting risk.

Wood continues in the letter saying. "As you know, that project was approved and constructed before the city acquired and developed the wellfield. Why would we knowingly approve a project to further add more risk within the one-year time of travel for contamination to our water supply?"

You can read Wood's full letter below.

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