Man arrested following pursuit in stolen vehicle and injuring police K9

ELKHART COUNTY, Ind. -- The Elkhart Police Department reports an officer was traveling west on C.R. 28 east of Old C.R. 17 in their fully marked patrol vehicle on March 7 around 12:23 a.m., when they observed a driver possibly slumped over behind the steering wheel.
The report states as the officer approached the intersection, they observed a silver Honda Accord stopped facing north at C.R. 28 east of Old C.R. 17.
The officer stated the Honda stayed at the stop sign. The officer waited for the Honda to go before another vehicle stopped behind him.
The officer witnessed the driver not moving and possibly slumped behind the wheel.
The officer then activated their emergency lights and vehicle behind the Honda attempted to pass it in the opposite lane of travel.
The Honda then began to drive forward, turning east onto C.R. 28. The report states the Honda accelerated slowly after the officer activated their sirens.
The officer stated the Honda continued and disregarded the red light at U.S. Hwy 33 and C.R. 28, before continuing north on C.R. 45 disregarding the stop sign and traveling in the opposite lane of travel.
Police say the Honda then turned west onto Missouri Avenue and then north onto C.R. 17 with the officer in pursuit as it hit speeds of over 90 miles per hour.
The Honda traveled north on C.R. 17 until he went west on C.R. 10. While traveling west on C.R. 10/Bristol Street, the Honda traveled left of center into the opposite lane.
The report states as the officer and the Honda approached Osolo Road, there were EPD cars parked on the north side of Bristol.
The driver of the Honda attempted to slow down and turn into the business at 1909 Bristol St., missing the entrance and striking the curb.
The Honda lost control of, over corrected, and went off the north side of the roadway, toward the EPD cars.
The Honda was still accelerating as it struck the passenger side of an EPD vehicle, sending it toward the EPD officer standing behind it with stop sticks.
The Honda finally stopped after crashing in the center of Bristol Street and Osolo Road. The pursuing officer got out and approached the Honda's driver with his gun drawn.
The officer shouted commands at the driver, later identified as Tyler Foust. The officer told him to stick his hand outside the vehicle. Foust continued to refuse to follow commands according to the report. Foust kept the front door shut.
Foust then opened the door with a plastic cup in his hand, refusing to put it down and exit the car.
Faust then reportedly shut the door and demanded the K9s to be put up. He then opened the door, refused to follow commands, and closed the door again.
When Faust opened the door for a third time, police discharged pepper ball into the car.
EPD K9 Diego was then released, latching onto Foust's leg. Officers then approached as Diego got hold of Foust, who continually refused to get out, at which point he was pepper balled again.
Foust was finally removed and taken to the ground where he continued to fight with officers.
On the Honda's floorboard, police found hypodermic syringes near the gas pedal.
Foust was taken to Elkhart General Hospital for medical clearance, where officers observed Foust argue with nurses and refuse medical treatment.
He was then advised of Indiana Implied Consent and consented to chemical test. While waiting for clearance, EPD officers learned the silver Honda Accord was stolen out of Elkhart.
EPD K9 Diego was injured by Foust, who attempted to gouge the K9's eyes out while being bitten.
Authorities then applied for a search warrant for Foust's blood.
The warrant was approved and signed at which point Foust was shown the warrant for his blood draw. He continually refused to cooperate. Foust was held down by multiple officers as a phlebotomist drew two vials of blood at 3:51 a.m.
Foust was then taken to the Elkhart County Correctional Facility where he was incarcerated for Resisting Law Enforcement, a Felony, Resisting Law Enforcement, a Misdemeanor, Theft-Vehicle, Operating Motor Vehicle While Intoxicated Bodily Injury, Reckless Driving, Striking Law Enforcement Officer Animal, and Possession of Hypodermic Syringe.