Local students meeting NASA astronauts through webinar
Technology is making it possible for thousands of students around the country to experience space, up close!
42 of those students go to Lincoln Junior High School in Plymouth.
Hugh Smith, an 8th grader, at LJHS said, “They’re planning on going to Mars in like 2035 which would be like the perfect age for me. I’ve always dreamed of going to NASA. I’ve always just been really interested in being the first person to land on Mars like Neil Armstrong on the moon.”
And teachers, like Andrew Holland, are helping these students reach for the stars with unique learning experiences.
Holland said, “We will be live via webcast with NASA experts and two stars from the movie The Martians that’s coming out this week. We will be discussing with them about NASA’s future mission to Mars.”
A technological advantage that Smith says is proving to these pre-teens that no dream is out of this world.
“I’m really excited because it’ll be like my first taste of how it’ll be to be like them.”
As the students live stream and interact with NASA, you can watch it all from your computer screen. Turn to NASA TV: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html