Local libraries offer Summer Reading Challenges, encourage kids to read over break

NOW: Local libraries offer Summer Reading Challenges, encourage kids to read over break

ELKHART, Ind. — Local libraries are offering Summer Reading Programs to keep books in kid's hands during summer break.

Now until mid-July, the Elkhart Public Library’s challenge lets kids read any books they want whenever they want, earning rewards while they track their progress.

Prizes will be earned along the way, with one grand prize winner getting a shopping spree in the toy aisle of the new Meijer in Elkhart.

The Nappanee Public Library’s challenge runs from June 1st-July 13th. Kids are asked to read for 1,000 minutes and track their progress to earn rewards. No library card is required.

The Mishawaka Penn-Harris Public Library is giving out challenge cards now for its reading challenge from June 1st-August 5th. All ages can participate, but adults will need a library card. Prizes are earned along the way, and anyone who completes their challenge card will also be entered to win some end-of-summer prizes.

All of these Summer Reading Challenges are part of an effort to keep kids engaged in learning over the summer, and therefore return to the classroom ready for academic success in the fall.

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