INSIDE ACCESS: Notre Dame Studios and the new Martin Media Center

INSIDE ACCESS: Notre Dame Studios and the new Martin Media Center

Education executed from a different perspective.

Tucked inside Corbett Hall, inside the new Martin Media Center, is an educational studio where teachers are now using 21st century technology to make sure students receive hands on learning.

Brian Burchett is Manager for Academic Technologies at the University of Notre Dame.

“This is significant investment in resources by the university to give faculty access to tools that’ll make undergrad education at Notre Dame even better than it’s ever been,” said Burchett.

Without the vision of Athletic Director Jack Swarbrick, the media center may not have ever become reality.

Dan Skendzel is the Executive Director of Notre Dame Studios.

“It was huge. It’s something quite frankly we’ve been thinking about for a couple of years when we started and launched Fighting Irish Digital Media. We knew that was one step in a much longer journey. Let’s start in athletics but this capability, live and on demand production is going to be useful and necessary with the rest of campus to tell academic stories and faith based stories,” said Skendzel.

Fighting Irish Digital Media launched in 2011 with athletics as the spring board with the ability of much larger projects down the road once the space and man-power was available.

“The Martin Media Center is a state of the art facility that provides us now with three studio spaces, one that was in the Joyce center and now two new ones. Two new control room along with the ones we had, so four control rooms. Six edit rooms, 12 reservable edit stations for students and freelancers to come in and work with us work spaces for about 40 people,” said Skendzel.
