GM considering battery cell manufacturing plant in New Carlisle

A company that is a joint venture between GM and LG Energy Solution is seeking a tax abatement from St. Joseph County in order to build a large battery cell manufacturing facility in New Carlisle.

The company, Ultium Cells manufactures battery cells used in GM's electric vehicles.

It is applying for tax abatement with St. Joseph County.

ABC57 reached out to Ultium Cells Wednesday afternoon and they confirmed they are considering building a facility in New Carlisle.

Ultium Cells LLC, a joint venture between General Motors and LG Energy Solution, is developing a competitive business case for a potential large investment that could be located in New Carlisle, Indiana. As part of developing a competitive business case, Ultium Cells LLC has submitted a tax abatement application with St. Joseph County. Ultium Cells with the support of GM officials are in discussions with the appropriate local officials on the abatement application. We look forward to the application being reviewed and hopefully approved later this month. Securing an approved tax abatement is a critical step of the project moving forward. We are not going to disclose any additional details of the projects than those included in the abatement application.

Ultium Cells has a battery cell manufacturing plant in Warren, Ohio and is nearing completion of one in Spring Hill, Tenn., which is scheduled to open in 2023. A battery cell plant is scheduled to open in Lansing, Mich. in late 2024.

The facilities in Michigan, Tennessee and Ohio are all 2.8 million square foot manufacturing plants. They employ or will employ over 1,000 people in each facility.

The New Carlisle facility would be in the 30000 block of Fillmore Road. 

If approved by the St. Joseph County Council, the land would be declared an economic revitalization area for 50 years. There would be a deduction in assessed value for 10 years on real property taxes and 15 years on tangible person property used in the manufacturing process.
