Elkhart's Indiana Black Expo prepares for 11th Annual Feed Our Friends Christmas Dinner

NOW: Elkhart’s Indiana Black Expo prepares for 11th Annual Feed Our Friends Christmas Dinner

ELKHART COUNTY, Ind. -- The Elkhart Chapter of Indiana Black Expo is getting into the holiday spirit. 

The organization is set to host its 11th annual Feed our Friends Christmas dinner on Sunday, Dec. 22. 

The Elkhart Chapter of Indiana Black Expo will serve a holiday-style meal to hundreds on Sunday at 3 p.m., welcoming everyone to the Historic Roosevelt Building in Elkhart.

The event will feature a food pantry provided by Cultivate Food Rescue, offering bread and frozen items for residents to take home. The nonprofit group Just Cause will distribute hats, coats, hygiene products, and gloves.  

There will also be a toy giveaway featuring over 2,500 toys, with each child in attendance receiving five to six toys.

Chapter President Robert Taylor says from now until Sunday they will be accepting donations whether it be through making side dishes for Sunday's dinner, toys, hygiene products, or clothing. Items can be dropped off at the Elkhart Chapter of Black Expo's office.  

Taylor says out of all the events the organization hosts; this is by far the most important.

"We use the words our friends because we are all friends in this community. During Christmas time, it's one of those times where you really want to be around family and people that really love you. We really love our community and the people surrounding our community," Taylor said. 
