Elkhart County man's "Cowboy Ethics" teaches life skills to elementary students

NOW: Elkhart County man’s “Cowboy Ethics“ teaches life skills to elementary students

An Elkhart County man is lassoing in life lessons for area kids, by teaching them the ins and outs of how to be a cowboy.

It's called cowboy ethics, sponsored by the Elkhart County Farmer's Bureau.

Dwight Moudy works with kids in 29 different Elkhart County elementary schools, teaching them 10 different principles like courage, pride, and fairness. It covers all socioeconomic backgrounds, and gets them actively moving and thinking. And above all, they are problem solving.

Moudy says the American cowboy is the perfect role model.

 "Their whole personality is one of individualism but standing up for the right things," said Moudy. "Doing the right thing, whether anyone is watching or not. That's why when I come in we are showing these kids it doesn't matter what anyone else is doing. It's up to you to do the right thing."

"I go in and show them a different world. But I also show them it's not about the hat or the boots. It's about how you live your life and helping people out."

The class is currently underway throughout the area, with hopes to expand it out beyond Elkhart County. Check out one of the classes in the video above. 

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