Elkhart County hosts NAACP Black History Celebration

ELKHART, Ind. -- The Elkhart County NAACP held their annual Black History Month Celebration this evening, honoring African Americans with the community. 

This year, they honored African Americans realtors, along with African American insurance agents, with the program only getting stronger every year. 

"The people that we try to highlight every year, we try to pick some of the businesses in our community, so we'll know what we're doing and who to go to to, you know, take care of our personal business. And that's why we always, you know, we do teachers, we do First Ladies, we've done pastors, we've done churches, and then we pick the different businesses to highlight, and we try not to do too many so they can keep up with them," stated Co-Chair for the Black History Program and Membership Chair for Elkhart County NAACP Sonia Hadley-Davis.

They also read essays from grade school children in the area, making sure that everyone got their moment to shine. 
