Demand answers: Contact Mayor Pete Buttigieg

ABC57 News has requested a sit-down interview with Mayor Pete Buttigieg to answer questions about his decision to force out Chief Darryl Boykins.

We are still waiting for the Mayor’s Office to let us know when Mayor Buttigieg can make time for us.

We’re pushing for answers to several key questions about this South Bend Police Department telephone scandal.

Among the questions, we want to know:

  • Why won’t Mayor Buttigieg release the information on which he based his decision to demote Chief Boykins?
  • What federal rules were broken?
  • What specifically did former Chief Boykins do wrong?
  • Was Chief Darryl Boykin’s resignation coerced? If not, why did Mayor Buttigieg demote Boykins when he withdrew his resignation?
  • Is there an on-going criminal investigation into the SBPD telephone tapes?
  • If there is an on-going criminal investigation into the telephone tapes, who’s the target?
  • When will Mayor Buttigieg release information about SBPD personnel and procedural changes that he promised to make last week?
  • If racial slurs were used by a SBPD officer, what is the mayor doing to improve racial sensitivity within the department?
  • How does Mayor Buttigieg justify making a unilateral decision to demote Darryl Boykins without notifying common council members?
  • When will he fully disclose to common council members his decision to demote Chief Boykins?

You can tell Mayor Buttigieg to answer the questions ABC57 News wants to know.

You can email the mayor our questions and demand transparency.

Make sure to sign your name at the bottom under "Sincerely".

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