COOL SCHOOLS: Riley High School

SOUTH BEND, Ind. – Students at Riley High School are getting college credit in the Criminal Justice program.

This is the first year for the Criminal Justice program there.

“Especially with all the crime going on now, it’s good to be aware and give people the opportunity to do something they’re going to enjoy doing,” said junior Deanna Patrick.

Juniors and seniors from all South Bend community high schools can apply to enroll in the class.

If selected they get hands-on with everything from handcuffing to fingerprinting, and even learning how to conduct standard field sobriety tests.

The program is held through the Career and Technical Education Department, which allows students the opportunity to earn college credit.

“You’re doing it in high school rather in college. So you already have two years of criminal justice study under your belt,” said junior Marshall Dungy.

Also on the education agenda: defensive tactics, SWAT training, and even how to operate police dispatch.

At the end of their senior year, students can leave with an Emergency Telecommunicator Certification.

“A lot of dispatchers that are working currently don’t have this certification. So this is advantageous for the students when they go to apply for a dispatch position,” said teacher Angela Kocsis.

There’s no question this new program is giving students a leg up on their future careers.

For next week’s Cool Schools, ABC 57 is taking you to Buchanan.

Tune in to ABC 57 News Morning Edition on Tuesday, May 6th, to check it out starting at 5 a.m.

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