Cook Nuclear Plant to begin refueling outage on Unit 1 Saturday

ABC 57

BRIDGMAN, Mich. -- Indiana Michigan Power announced Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 1 will begin its 30-second refueling outage on Saturday at 3 a.m.

Officials say power on Unit 1 was reduced on Wednesday to allow for equipment testing before the outage starts.

I&M officials say the unit will have operated for 11,811 hours during its last cycle at a capacity of 99.5 percent, generating 12,387,620 megawatt-hours of net electricity.

The outage will also include replacing a reactor coolant pump motor, inspection and maintenance activities with the main turbine and main generator, and replacing important battery systems for safety- and non-safety-related equipment, officials say.

I&M officials stated an upgraded overspeed protection system will also be installed for the main turbine and main feed pump turbines.

Officials say Unit 2 remains at 100 percent power, and the planned outage is not expected to disrupt customers' power.

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