Mishawaka school gives out free lunches to parents

NOW: Mishawaka school gives out free lunches to parents

MISHAWAKA, Ind. - People all over are affected by the coronavirus. From businesses either closing down or losing customers, to schools closing down.

But at ABC57, we want to highlight some groups coming together to help the community get through it all. We took a look at the helping hands at Marian High School. They were giving away free lunches for parents who have to scramble to find food for their families now that schools out for several weeks.

“Hi guys can I get you some lunches,” One worker is heard saying.

“Hi guys, how many today,” Another worker said.

Car after car pulled up outside of Marian High School Monday to get free lunches.

“You want milk with those,” another worker said.

Since schools around Michiana closed because of coronavirus concerns, Marian High School staff decided they have the opportunity to help.

There are three locations, one at Marian, one at St. Mathews and one at Our Lady of Hungary Parish. Each car that pulls up can get as many lunch packs as they want for their kids. They include ham and cheese sandwiches, vegetables, fruit, milk and chips.

Staff prepared over 1,000 lunches today and will be making just as many in the following days.

Any lunches that aren’t taken will be given to Cultivate Culinary who are putting together backpacks for students in need over the weekends.

“That was our main concern when we found out that the schools are going to be closed. Kids aren’t going to eat. There’s a lot a lot of kids that their only meals are at school,” Trish Becker, a food service worker at Marian High School said. “I was so grateful that we were in a position that we could not only feed kids here but set up a couple satellite locations as well.”

They are going to be giving out breakfast as well starting Tuesday. So anyone in the community can grab both breakfast and lunch sacks for as long as schools are closed.

Parent’s telling Becker they are thankful

“They’re just so grateful,” Becker said. “Just thank you because all of a sudden, if you have a house full of children, even a few children, when all of a sudden you have to come up with an extra 8 or 10 meals on a given day and we weren’t able to plan for any of this, that’s a huge hit to a family so knowing that not only will they get fed but they can get fed something that’s healthy and balanced and they know it’s coming tomorrow as well and have that reassurance that we’ll take care of them. That means so much.”

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