A Rosie Place for Children 5K Run/Walk

A Rosie Place for Children

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- The University of Notre's Dame's RareND Club is hosting a 5K run and walk benefiting A Rosie Place for Children and families caring for medically fragile children. A Rosie Place for Children serves all 92 counties in Indiana by providing respite care.

The 5K run and walk will be held on Saturday, March 29 at 9:30 a.m. and will start from Notre Dame Stadium Gate E. The entry fee is $25 per participant with registration available online and the day of.

"We are striving to make this our biggest year yet and would greatly appreciate your support in sharing this event with your audience. Every bit of exposure helps bring more people to the starting line and makes a meaningful impact on the children and families we serve," said Renee Rush, the Director of Marketing and Communications.

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