100-year-old Michigan City coaling tower to be torn down as some community members push back

NOW: 100-year-old Michigan City coaling tower to be torn down as some community members push back

MICHIGAN CITY, Ind. -- Amtrak announced its 2025 plans to demolish a century-old coaling tower in Michigan City, but some community members argue it holds historical value for the railroad.

Amtrak spokesman Mark Magliari confirmed to ABC57 News that sometime in the 1950s is the last time the coaling tower was used.

The tower, formerly owned by Michigan Central Railroad, sits over Amtrak-owned tracks.

A Change.org petition was started by a group who say they are railfans, former MCR employees, residents of Michigan City, and general admirers of historical structures.

Amtrak officials say tearing down the structure would also cause disruptions to their services for up to two weeks.

The Change.org petitioners say they're calling on the appropriate authorities, railroad companies, city officials, and historic preservation societies to find a solution and for Amtrak to reconsider the demolition plans.

Amtrak officials confirm the demolition isn't planned to start until September 2025.
