Zoning change makes way for 103-unit development in South Bend
A new, 103-unit apartment complex is a step closer to breaking ground.
The South Bend Common Council approves a zoning change with a 9-0 vote during its regular meeting, Monday, to make way for a mixed-use development, with 103 apartment units and 8,000 square feet of commercial space. The development is planned for the now-vacant plot of land on the Southeast corner of SR23 & Corby St., across from Trader Joe's.
"We have a housing shortage in South Bend and I will support any housing we can get," councilman Troy Warner said in an earlier Zoning & Annexation Committee meeting.
Developers of the project, Five Corners LLC, said the apartments will be marketed to young professionals, but will attempt to limit undergraduate tenants. They also expect to request a tax abatement in the near future. Construction is expected to start this Summer.
The property was zoned for single family housing, but councilman Warner said the location on SR23 made single-family development unlikely.