VFW of Mishawaka delivers boxes of food to veterans
MISHAWAKA, Ind. - Local veterans are excited to receive holiday meals for their families.
Linda Miles, at Post 360, was estactic to receive boxes of canned goods, a Turkey and a ham, pasta, bread, milk, cereal, and other snacks.
“[I'm] Overjoyed with the reception we’ve got from everybody and the community has given us," she said. "The places that have donated have just been awesome. We’re just ecstatic for what we’ve gotten so far.”
Army veteran, Wilburn Jackson, is grateful to the organization and for the meal to his family, including his wife and three kids.
“[It] makes me warm inside," he said. "It’s great and I hope they continue to do it and I’m also trying to figure out some way we can contribute you know, to give back because they do a wonderful job. Wonderful job. They’re great, these are good people. Angels, my angels.”
Those interested in donating food for Christmas boxes, can stop by the next food drive on December 2 at Kroger on Merrifield Ave.
Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, the VFW of Mishawaka will be serving a Thanksgiving dinner from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., doors open at 1.
The VFW Post 360 is located at 1307 E Jefferson Blvd, Mishawaka, IN 46545.