Understanding and following Michigan City snow removal guidelines

MICHIGAN CITY, Ind. – The Michigan City Police Department posted on Tuesday a reminder of the city ordinances for snow removal and parking restrictions, emphasizing the importance of everyone’s safety.

Although a formal snow removal condition has not been formally declared, remember when one is issued the following conditions apply:

  • No vehicle shall park on a street identified by a snow route street sign. These streets are heavily traveled and a necessary route for the traffic of the city.
  • If your street is not a snow route, parking will be banned on your street according to the following schedule:
    • Even-numbered days of the week, parking will not be permitted on even-numbered addresses on these days from 6 a.m. to midnight.
    • Odd-numbered days of the week, parking will not be permitted on odd-numbered addresses on these days from 6 a.m. to midnight.
    • With numerous city lots that can be utilized for off-street parking, it is recommended residents move vehicles from a city once the snow has ended.
  • No resident is allowed to push or move snow into any street that will hamper the flow of traffic. Any person found to be in violation of this section will be fined $50.00 as set forth by city ordinances.

While no ordinances mandates residents to clear walks, it is highly encouraged by the city to ensure the safety of pedestrians or guests at your home.

For questions, the city asks residents to call Central Services at (219) 873-1500. For more information on the ordinances, visit here.

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