Tips on how to prepare your body for Daylight Saving Time starting March 9


MISHAWAKA, Ind. -- On March 9, clocks will jump an hour as Daylight Saving Time begins. For some, that means a disruption in sleep, but St. Joseph Health Systems is offering some tips to help make the transition smoothly.

“The springtime change is more disruptive than fall because we are losing an hour of sleep,” said Anna Matulewicz, NP, with Saint Joseph Sleep Medicine. “There are many studies about the time change and how it affects our productivity. We’re less productive at work, kids have trouble at school, there is increased car accidents for several days after the time change because people are tired.”

Health officials say there are steps people can take to prepare themselves and their children for the change in their sleep schedule, but it is important to start early.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults get at least seven hours of sleep for optimal health and wellbeing.

"However, evidence of disrupted and shortened sleep and adverse health and safety effects following the transition to DST has prompted the call to eliminate seasonal time changes and remain permanently in Standard Time," the CDC said. "Until that occurs, there are strategies workers and employers can adopt to improve sleep and work safely during DST."

CDC tips for employers:

  • Raise awareness among workers about the health and safety risks associated with the time change and emphasize the need for obtaining adequate sleep.
  • Consider reducing any critical or physically/mentally demanding tasks to allow workers time to adjust to the time change, since it can take one week for the body to adapt.

CDC tips for workers:

  • Minimize the effect of DST by adjusting your sleep cycle a few days prior to the time change.
  • Try to go to bed 15 or 20 minutes earlier each night before the time change. This will give your body a chance to adjust.
  • Begin to transition the timing of other daily routines that are “time cues” for your body. For example, start eating dinner a little earlier each night or exercising slightly earlier in the morning.
  • On Saturday night, set your clocks ahead one hour in the early evening. Then go to sleep at your normal bedtime.
  • Try to go outside for some early morning sunlight on Sunday. The bright light will help set your “body clock,” which regulates sleep and alertness.
  • Be mindful of how DST may be affecting your body and be careful when driving or operating machinery if you feel drowsy on Sunday.
  • Stick to your bedtime on Sunday night to get plenty of sleep before the workweek begins on Monday.
  • Once you have adapted to DST, try to keep a daily routine time for sleep and waking up to improve sleep and health.
  • Keep your sleep environment quiet, comfortable, and cool. Especially during the period of earlier sunrise and later sunsets, using light blocking window coverings can keep sleeping areas dark.

According to an article from Business Insider, a study of over 700,000 car accidents from the mid-1990s to 2017 found a six percent increase in crashes the week after DST took effect.

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