The Pointe Apartments owners working on repairs amid lawsuit and grant tabling

NOW: The Pointe Apartments owners working on repairs amid lawsuit and grant tabling

Plymouth, Ind. -- Repairs are underway on the on the troubled Pointe Apartments in Plymouth.

Residents were forced out back in July after a leaky roof, lead to mold and some electrical problems, leaving the building unfit for residents to live in.

Crews were out working on the repairs Wednesday Afternoon.

The city says those repairs are needed to reopen for a grant request from the owners RICH- MONS LLC to even be considered.

On Monday, the Plymouth Council tabled a request for a commercial revitalization rebate program, until they see significant progress on the needed repairs.

The property manager, Anthony Collins, said his stepfather owns the property, has been having trouble overseeing it following a recent stroke.

However, they have since put in 100s of thousands of dollars out of pocket into the repairs, including a new roof, that they are asking for a grant on 20 percent of the cost.

"I mean the situation where we're just gonna kind of try our best and Bob spend his own money to get the building open back up because people in Plymouth need the slow income building. It's the cheapest one in town,” said Collins who hopes to have the building back open for residents by the end of the year.

Plymouth’s Building Commissioner, Dennis Manual said he will have to inspect the repairs before the commission can move forward.

The owners are currently being sued by Indiana’s Attorney General, who said in a statement,

“Tenants who pay their rent deserve the protection of the law,” Attorney General Rokita said.

“Our legislature has made it clear that a landlord must maintain major systems in a leased property. Demanding rent from tenants while they are exposed to water intrusion, toxic mold, and dangerous electrical wiring is simply wrong.” He added.

The grant request is expected to be brought up at the next council meeting.

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