Rate of visa denials for international students rising

NOW: Rate of visa denials for international students rising

The rate of visa denials for international students to study in the United States has spiked. 

According to the Presidents' Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration, between 2015 and 2022, statistics are showing more students primarily from Africa, the Pacific Islands and South Africa are seeing their student visas denied. 

"We have an opportunity to attract hundreds of thousands of people from around the world who want to come to America and believe in this concept of the American dream," Co-founder and CEO of Boundless Immigration Xiao Wang said. 

In recent years the rate of denials has more than doubled for students from South America, alone, although the total number of international students in the US have increased. 

"People want to make better lives for themselves and are coming from a variety of places to do so," Wang said. "And it's almost like the US is squandering its monopoly in the world."

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