The Cass Swim Camp teaches kids swimming techniques for water safety

Drowning deaths spike in the summer months. 

Whether that's caused by unexpectedly strong rip currents or three-foot waves on a mislabeled "green flag" day, such as the Warren Dunes State Park drowning this past August, drownings can affect anyone. 

In fact, according to the CDC, drowning deaths spike in the month of July with 790 recorded in the country last year. 

So, how do we prevent this? 

How can we proactively reduce the amount of drowning deaths before they happen?

Sam Adams Elementary's partnership with the YMCA of Greater Michiana's Cass Swim Program is making this possible.

4th grade students at Sam Adams Elementary are taught swim essentials to better prepare them in the water. 

Samme Schaller, the Senior Aquatics Director, says the Cass Swim Camp program "is a great opportunity for students to build awareness for swim safety." 

This is their ninth consecutive year of the swim program, showing kids' growth year after year.

"Their growth after just one week of training in real-life scenarios is amazing. My team and I look forward to Cass Swim Camp every year because this program makes a lasting impact," said Schaller. 

Cass Swim Camp 2022 Data

In addition to helping students develop water safety skills and improving swimming ability, the Cass Swim Camp but also fosters achievement, positive relationships and a sense of belonging. 

Kids will be focusing on these two skills: 

SWIM, FLOAT, SWIM, 10 FT. helps youth reach the side of the pool by alternatively swimming and rolling onto their back to float and rest, then grabbing the wall once within reach and climbing out. 

JUMP, PUSH, TURN, GRAB helps students safely exit the pool by pushing off the bottom, grabbing the wall, and climbing out. 

For swim school fall sessions, sign up on the YMCA of Greater Michiana's website. 

Lessons are available for kids, 6 months and up, and also for adults. 

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