Survey shows low trust in the South Bend Police Department

NOW: Survey shows low trust in the South Bend Police Department

SOUTH BEND, Ind.--- A survey conducted by Elucd found high levels of distrust in the South Bend Police Department. The New York based company surveyed 850 South Bend residents. 

The survey gave the South Bend Police Department a 60 out of 100 "trust score". That number was a 67 among white respondents compared to just 47 for black respondents. The 20 point gap was the largest Elucd has seen in the cities it has surveyed nationwide. 

There was also a large generational gap where the department received a trust score of 69 for respondents over the age of 55 but only a score of 54 for those respondents aged 18 - 34. 

"It's not surprising," Euclid CEO Michael Simon. "Keep in mind the timing of this survey was very close to this tragic, traumatic event with the city of South Bend."

When it came to public safety, South Bend only received a score of 58. Suggestions to fix these low numbers included, adding more foot patrols, bringing back a beat system for officers, and hiring more women and minority officers.

"That's a national trend that we see across the country, where police officers' assignments are being change to create that sort of familiarity," said Simon. "It was very interesting to see residents of South Bend, who may or may not be aware of these national trends, sort of repeat back a desire to see that kind of change happen in South Bend as well."

Elucd is hoping to conduct follow up research to track whether those trust and public safety scores improve. 

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