South Bend aims for robust infrastructure
SOUTH BEND, Ind.— Improving South Bend’s infrastructure will be a top priority in the city’s 2018 budget.
Monday, South Bend Public Works and the Department of Community Investment laid out how your tax dollars will go to funding needed for capital projects around the city during a budget hearing.
The council approved a water rate hike back in March to help cover some of the costs.
“In the interim period we’re using TIF dollars to help fund some of those critical investments,” said Eric Horvath, the executive director of South Bend of Public Works.
While waiting for the nod from the state to increase water rates, the city is looking to tap $4.5 million in TIF funds to tackle nagging public works problems.
The need is clear according to the city.
A complete upgrade to the city’s degrading infrastructure would cost about $80 million.
So Public Works is focusing on the most dire needs.
“We had to go back and look at what were the most critical components of that were to take care of this aging infrastructure,” said Horvath.
A representative from the Department of Community Investment announced the city is planning to invest $1.5 million to help you take care of aging curbs and sidewalks.
“Technically it is your responsibility but if we can find resources to take care of these new developments we ought to find resources to do repairs,” said David Varner, South Bend Common Councilman.