School takes action after 6th grader threatens to kill three classmates
SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- School administrators say a sixth grade student, at Saint Jude Catholic School on South Bend's South side threatened to kill three of his classmates.
It happened off school grounds on Wednesday. The student who made the threats hasn't been in class since. It turns out that although the student was not in class the last two days, a punishment has not been decided yet.
The school has sent out a and held a meeting with parents here at the school to let the parents know what happened.
ABC 57 News called the school and they directed me to Sean McBride the spokesperson for the Catholic diocese. McBride tells me the student used an unknown social media site to send the death threat to three fellow classmates on Wednesday.
McBride says the threat was not made at school. However, it did not take long for the school to become aware of threat and take action.
"This is one of the safest environments you could ever be in. Mr. Donndelinger is super super good when it comes to disciplining kids, " says Konnie Beasley McQueen.
McQueen says she did not know about the threat, but was stunned when she found out about it through the letter sent out by the school.
A parent gave us a copy of the letter and in the letter it made reference to gossip and said it was inappropriate "to engage in rumor mongering".
The so called 'rumor mongering' prompted the meeting with parents and McQueen says she agrees with the actions the principal has taken so far.
"He cares what happens to these children so I am shocked that something like that would happen at this school," says McQueen.
The spokesperson with the school says the school takes every threat seriously, which is why they will be investigating this further. McBride says that is one reason why one they have not yet decided if the student will face suspension or explosion.