School City of Mishawaka announces preliminary reopening plans

School City of Mishawaka announced preliminary details of the district's plan for reopening in the fall while following safety precautions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The district plans to release its reopening plan the second week of July. Until then, they wanted to communicate key details already decided.

  • In coordination with the other districts in St. Joseph County, School City of Mishawaka will return to school on Wednesday, August 12.
  • Schools will be in session and in-person five days a week with safety measures in place
  • The district will provide more information on eLearning the second week of July
  • The published school calendar will be followed.

All school districts have agreed to the following modifications in partnership with the St. Joseph County Health Department:

  • Staff and students are required to have a mask with them at all times. There will be times that masks or facial coverings will be required indoors and in enclosed spaces when 6 feet of physical distance cannot be maintained.
  • Students and staff will be required to be fever free for 72 hours without use of fever reducing medication before returning to school.
  • Students and staff will be required to conduct at-home, self-screening on a daily basis.
  • All perfect attendance incentives for both students and staff will be discontinued.
  • Lunches will be adjusted to maximize available open space and utilize alternate scheduling to adhere to safety guidelines.
  • A separate space in existing school health offices will be identified to treat symptomatic students.
  • Visitors and guests will be restricted in school facilities until further notice.
  • Instructional space and scheduling flexibility will be maximized to ensure responsible social distancing as often as possible.
  • Enhanced cleaning and hand washing procedures will be required with additional hand sanitizer stations available for all students and staff.

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