Private Investigators from all over the country gathered in Michiana today for a unique training exercise
Private Investigators from all over the country gathered in Michiana today for a unique training exercise.
There are 3 days of exercises and the first day is information based so attendees can learn to properly analyze crime scenes and interview witnesses.
On the last day of exercises attendees will have to solve a mock crime involving a stabbing.
The event is hosted by the Indiana Society of Professional Investigators and this is the first time it’s been held in the Mid-West.
The President of the Indiana Society of Professional Investigators, Brand Lord, said:
“Basically everything that they learn in those first two days, it's going to be their opportunity then to apply it to actually solve this case so they're going to go through the case management and through the component method, then attempt to solve this case. So we'll have different witnesses that they can interview, an actual victim and defendant along with other people that they'll have available for them to interview and kind of work through the crime scene.”