Plymouth community members saying no to a newly proposed gravel quarry

NOW: Plymouth community members saying no to a newly proposed gravel quarry

PLYMOUTH, Ind - Plymouth neighbors are saying no to a newly proposed gravel mine.

Many are concerned about the negative impacts it would have on water and air quality.

The proposed gravel quarry would be right on the southern corner of King and 11th Road in Plymouth

The mine is being proposed by Irving Materials Inc., which currently has another mine less than a mile from the newly proposed site.

The Board of Zoning Appeals heard input on the proposed gravel quarry at a meeting Tuesday night.

When they took a vote on the proposal, the board got a resounding "no" from neighbors.

One neighbor, Bobbi Reinhold, is not happy about the current mine, let alone another one.

“I have not lived a day in my home since I bought it in 2007 that we didn’t have dust over everything,” said Reinhold.

And Doug Kucera, who's lived in Plymouth for over 15 years, is now worried after learning more about the proposed quarry.

He said having big trucks moving the gravel in that area would lead to problems.

“You know, 40-pound trucks running down all day long and it's just going to tear the road up and the county is just going to have a fortune in road repairs,” he said.

“I’m just concerned about traffic, I'm concerned about water and air quality because, so people brought forth the information I didn’t know about last night, about hazardous things to breathe in and all of that with it,” said Kucera.

Another neighbor, Sara Miller, moved to Plymouth from Chicago in 2019 to get away from noise and health problems, but she says the existing mine has already made it worse.

“My dad, since we’ve been here, has been diagnosed with cancer, COPD. We can't open the windows to our house because of the dust, he can't breathe, he’s on oxygen, and a nebulizer two to three times a day,” said Miller.

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