Oaklawn hosts Rockin' Out for Recovery event
SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- It is a day to celebrate and inspire! Oaklawn is putting on their first ever Rockin’ Out for Recovery Event. Oaklawn provides mental health and addictions treatment to 27,000 children, teens and adults. Now, the team needs your help to continue their mission!
The event will take place on Thursday in Howard Park from 4 to 7 p.m. It will feature music, food trucks, games, but maybe the most important part? The stories shared. September is National Recovery Month, and Oaklawn is celebrating those who have recovered in hopes to inspire others in the community.
During their Rockin’ out for Recovery event, recovery coaches will share their own personal journey of recovery. In fact, the event is to raise funds to continue to hire recovery coaches such as these to join their team.
Clients who work with a recovery coach are more likely to stay in treatment, reduce substance use, reduce relapse rates and decrease use of hospitals and jails according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administrations.
However, these positions are not funded by traditional medical insurance, so fundraising is crucial.
“We hope through all of this storytelling, other people in the community who are contemplating wanting to live differently can see people who may have been in the same position they have and know that recovery is possible,” says Kari Tarman, Executive Director of the Oaklawn Foundation.
Consider donating to Oaklawn here.