New National Weather Service winter products

NOW: New National Weather Service winter products

In this transitionary period, we start to see more cold weather products be issued for Michiana, rather than some of the products we normally see in the warmer weather. For reference, a product from the NWS is a warning, watch, or advisory that they send out to alert the public to an impactful weather event. In general, we are going to be seeing less tornado and thunderstorm related products issued in the colder weather months, though they are still possible. Obviously, the snow related products we normally see in the winter, but other cold weather products, like freeze and hard freeze warnings can only be seen between May 1st and October 20th, the growing season. Wind-related products can be seen year-round, but the wind chill products are no more.

There are a couple of changes that the NWS made nationally but most of it has to do with the new Extreme Cold Warning, which is essentially taking the place of the wind chill products. The new parameters for the Extreme Cold is it must reach -15 degrees F to have a watch issued, and -25 degrees F to have a warning issued. The reasons for these changes is that it emphasizes that the cold is dangerous, regardless of the wind, though wind will still likely be a factor. It also allows for only one product to be issued that is consistent. Guidelines for heavy snow have also been changed, With Berrien county needing 8 inches, Cass and St. Joseph needing 7 inches, and our Indiana counties needing 6 inches of snow for the Winter Storm Warning.

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