Multiple roads in Marshall County closed due to high water
Posted: Oct 25, 2021 12:10 PM EST | Updated: Oct 25, 2021 4:17 PM EST
There are multiple roads closed in Marshall County due to high water conditions.
Please do not drive through water on roadways.
- Gumwood-15B to
- 7th & Ironwood
- Ironwood & 6B
- Chestnut-9B, 8th, 7th
- Cedar-9B, 8th, 7th
- Redwood & 15B
- Beech-9B & 10B
- Cedar-5th to 6th
- 9th & Fir
- Fir & 8th
- 19B-Elm to Fir
- 4th east of Quince
- Fir & 17B
- Queen north of Teegarden
- 1st east of Oak
- 1st west of Oak
- Cedar north of 5th
- 3B & cedar
- 5th-Cedar & Beech
- 8th west of 331
- Hickory south of 12B
- Filbert south of 12B
- 8A-Fir to Elm
- Cedar & 10B