Michigan City Police welcomes new K-9

MICHIGAN CITY, Ind. -- The Michigan City Police Department has added a new K-9 to its department.

In September 2017, members of the department who were interested in being a K-9 handler submitted applications. Officer Michael Oberle was selected by command staff.

Oberle and Chief Mark Swistek went to Vohne Liche Kennels in January and selected Axel, a 16-month-old German shepherd from Hungary.

Officer Oberle and Axel trained for six weeks in drug detention, and search and apprehension. They graduated on February 23.

On March 2, Axel was called to assist the ISP with a vehicle stop in Michigan City. Axel conducted a free air sniff of the vehicle and alerted to drugs being present.

During a search of the vehicle, officers found two small plastic baggies that field tested positive for cocaine.

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