Michiana residents on clean-up duty after heavy storms roll through

MISHAWAKA, Ind. — People across Michiana are cleaning up Wednesday morning after storms rumbled through late Tuesday night.

A tree fell onto a power line and knocked out power to homes near Buckeye and Jefferson Roads in Osceola. 

"Our electricity in the house flickered on and off a few times," said Carrie Zimmer. "Then there was a big boom and our electricity went completely out."

And on Virginia Street, a tree fell onto a house.

"I was at my friend's house and just heard a big gust of wind and blew down my friend's tree," said Jerry Hartzog.

Another tree fell down in a yard in Mishawaka 

Near where that tree fell down, a tree was laying across the road. Crews spent the night chopping it down while neighbors stood by in shock.

No one was hurt in any of these incidents.

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