Mennonites and Partners hold "Stronger Together” protest
SOUTH BEND, Ind. - - Local groups including Mennonites joined in storytelling and song this afternoon, calling to extend love and compassion to immigrants and Palestinians.
This protest is one of dozens across the United States and Canada this month.
“We are here to say that supporting ‘family values’ means tending to children separated from their parents and advocating for families whose homes are being bombed in Gaza. We are all connected.” said Maria Hosler Byler of Sunnyside Mennonite Church in Elkhart.
Participants got to take part in sharing their own stories, recounting times they faced hardships and challenges. There were also read-alouds and kids crafts available ensuring everyone could be involved.
Mennonites in Michiana are continuing to take part in a new movement known as "Mennonite Action" which focuses on the ongoing war in Gaza and the occupation of Palestine.
“Christian nationalism is not Christlike. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the teachings and the example of Jesus Christ, who called us to love our neighbor and to care for the vulnerable.” said Sandi Hostetler of Cassopolis, Michigan