Martin Luther King Jr. Day events across Michiana

Communities across Michiana are planning to hold events over the weekend and on Martin Luther King Jr. Day to celebrate and honor the legacy of Dr. King.

JAN. 17

  • South Bend Symphony Orchestra's "Celebration for a King”: An inspirational concert will honor and celebrate the work of King. The concert is free and open to the public. Donations will be accepted. Event location: Friday, Jan. 17, at 7 p.m. - Mt. Carmel Missionary Baptist Church (1620 S. St. Joseph Street)

JAN. 18

  • Annual Black and White Presidents Ball in Hotel Elkhart's Ballroom - 6 p.m. (more info)
  • MLK: A Day of Service at Tin Shop Theater - 10 a.m. (more info)

JAN. 19

  • 26th Annual MLK Day Celebration at United Presbyterian Church in Cassopolis - 3 p.m. (more info)
  • America's Sunday Supper in Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Four Winds Casino South Bend (3000 Prairie Avenue) Join in the 10th anniversary celebration for honoring King and his mission. The City Remnant will offer a meal, entertainment and conversation about the South Bend community. Tickets are $35 for adults and $20 for children ages 6-17. Purchase tickets by Tuesday, Jan. 14, by clicking here and searching "The City Remnant.”

JAN. 20

  • Art for a Change at The Tolson Center - 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. (more info)
  • Lake Michigan College Weeklong Celebration starts at Mendel Center (more info)
  • MLK Prayer Breakfast and Open House at the Elkhart Public Library - 8 a.m. (more info)
  • Annual MLK Day March - 9 a.m. (more info)

We will update this list as we find more. Feel free to email us at [email protected] with any other MLK Day events.

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