Local vendors and customers get connected at Home Show Michiana
SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- All things home and beyond can be found under one roof this weekend during Home Show Michiana’s 49th annual event at the Century Center.
“For outside, inside, upside, downside, whatever you want you can get here at the show,” said vendor John Derda and President of Derda Inc.
With 173 vendors and more than 50 new to the event this year, Home Show Michiana producer Glen Whitt said it provides a great avenue to get connected with businesses from the area.
“People want to work with local, local suppliers, local contractors, and this is a way for them to come shop multiple suppliers and contractors under one roof,” said Whitt.
Many of those vendors, including first time vendors Emmanuell Williams, an Architect for TruPoint Backyards, and Shane Dietrich, the Franchise owner for South Bend and Benton Harbor Critter Control, say now is the perfect time to get started on spring or summer home projects.
“If we get customers in that want something sooner instead of later, then we can get them ahead of the crowd… I have a lot of big clients that are kind of waiting, but those are very big clients, so if we can get our clients that are with little, smaller projects, get them ahead, then there won’t be a hiccup or a gap on waiting,” said Williams
“Now is the best time to get ahead of the problem, when it comes to pests in general, we’re gonna start seeing a lot of the bugs and spiders and those things start to wake up,” said Dietrich.
The doors were open Fri. from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. and will stay open Sat. from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sun. from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Admission is $8 for adults at the door and free for kids 12 and under.
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