Local shoppers cutting holiday costs

NOW: Local shoppers cutting holiday costs

MISHAWAKA, Ind. -- As the holiday season kicks into full gear, finding some ways to cut costs is important for shoppers everywhere.

Here in Indiana, many community members said they have seen some higher prices on the shelves this year.

“I know there’s bargains to be had, you have to shop them, but your eggs are still outrageous, milk is high, so yeah, it’s not cheaper,” said Osceola resident, Liz Stoll.

Stoll makes sure to keep an eye out for those deals, making the most out of the marked down prices so she can lower her holiday receipts.

“Costco has great pies for $5.99 I think so you know, you can do that… I know Meijer, I think, has turkeys for like $.33 a pound which is pretty good,” said Stoll.

Looking out for the best price is something many shoppers do, including Katy Troester from Granger. She said she gets ahead of the game, marking down who has the best bargains in advance.

“I’m just very cautious about where and when I can buy stuff and so that’s why I start planning way ahead of time, so it’s not the last-minute crunch and then I’m like ‘wait I went over my budget’, because I don’t want to dig myself in a hole,” said Troester.

She went on to say she’s from a big family, so something she did this year to save some extra cash was make sure everyone pitched in.

“Really divided and conquered this year where before you know, one of us or two of us might buy the bulk and everyone bring sides, now we’ve just been like ‘hey let’s support each other, help each other out’ so now we divide and conquered a little bit more, so we make sure one family is not buying the most,” stated Troester.

While deals are around every corner during the holidays, those prices still add up. That’s why John Whitaker, a Goshen resident, said he ditches store bought for homemade.

“I’m making some things from scratch instead of buying them premade. I make my own hot sauce and everything, so I don’t have to worry about the price of that going up,” said Whitaker.

There’s no doubt that the cost of loading shopping cart when there’s so much to buy can create some stress, but Whitaker made the reminder of the importance of soaking in the season.

“Enjoy what you’re spending and enjoy the holiday. Can’t take it with you, can you?” stated Whitaker.
