Local men use rope and frog to catch alligator in Plymouth pond

Photo courtesy Cody Rhoads

Photo courtesy Cody Rhoads

Photo courtesy Cody Rhoads

Photo courtesy Cody Rhoads

PLYMOUTH, Ind. -- One of the men who captured an alligator from a pond within the Pilgrim Meadows subdivision explained how it happened.

Cody Rhoads said he heard about the alligator and went to the scene to check it out. There were several people there at the time he arrived. He decided to leave when everyone else left.

A short time later, he asked his sister and her boyfriend, Brandon Crawford, to go with him to help trap the gator.

Crawford and Rhoads tied a frog on the end of a parachute cord, then tossed out the frog like they were fishing.

The gator grabbed the rope, but missed the frog.

They pulled the line in slowly because the gator had the rope in its mouth and they didn't want the gator to let it go.

When the gator was close enough, Crawford grabbed the gator.

They took a few pictures with the gator. It was then handed over to officials.

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