Local business owners giving away 700 free backpacks

NOW: Local business owners giving away 700 free backpacks

MIDDLEBURY, Ind.-- Helping out students in need one backpack at a time out of their own pockets.

That’s what a group of owners in Middlebury are doing as students head back to the classroom. 

Three owners, part of the company TCC that runs under Verizon in Middlebury took to the Middlebury food pantry to hand out 700 bags free of charge.

The owners tell ABC 57 they usually provide about 50 bags a year, but after seeing the need amid the pandemic chose to come together and foot the bill for 700 backpacks.

Students and parents have 15 designs to choose from.

Each bag filled with supplies like pencils, notebooks, rulers, folders, glue sticks and more.

One of the owners, Mary Kary Beer says its just one step to help those in need.

People as yourself that may have the means to do so, the resources to provide the rest of the community who aren’t as lucky as some of us can be at this time. What’s it like for folks like yourself to help foot the bill and help those in need?

“Last year, we just made the decision. Each year we try to pick a charity, a non profit. Last year we kind of kept saving a little group of funds away so we could meet some needs. We didn’t know there would be COVID, we didn’t know the need would be so dramatic. When it came that way we decided to dig a little deeper and make sure we could help people out," said Beer.

If you didn’t have a chance to head out and grab a backpack on Saturday, you still have time!

Beer says there are still about 100 backpacks left.

All you have to do is head on over to the Verizon store on U.S. 20 in Middlebury to get one.
