Lightshow of a lifetime: Dowagiac community goes above and beyond for little girl in hospice care

NOW: Lightshow of a lifetime: Dowagiac community goes above and beyond for little girl in hospice care

DOWAGIAC, Mich. -- Santa Claus made an early stop in Dowagiac on Christmas Eve.

He, along with several community members made one little girl's Christmas a special one.

It all started when a local father asked the Dowagiac Fire Department if they could drive a single firetruck in front of their house; his 16-month-old daughter started hospice care but loves to see flashing lights.

In 36 hours, it snowballed. The entire community and more came together for little Emelia, or 'Millie'.

Dozens upon dozens of firetrucks paraded the streets for her, bringing Emelia the lightshow of a lifetime.

"Look at her smile! She's so happy," said her parents as they watched the trucks drive by.

Emelia is a big fan of 'wee-woos' and shiny lights.

But for the past year of her short life, she's been fighting cancer, a type of leukemia called AML.

"She was recently put on hospice," says Emelia's dad, Austin Wilds. "We were told she only has weeks left but we're a month and a half in, and she's doing great."

Amid the day-to-day appointments and treatments, Emelia's family wanted her Christmas to be a special one.

"Austin messaged me directly and asked if we could do a drive by, he said Millie loves those flashy red lights," explains Anthony Stewart, Deputy Fire Chief of the City of Dowagiac. "I said we can do one better. We can get a lot of people together and we can make something happen for her.

It was only fitting for Santa and Ms. Claus to hop out on the final firetruck to deliver toys and Christmas spirit.

Emelia and her family's support group grew bigger than Dowagiac itself this Christmas.

"When you send out an SOS for help here around Christmas time, like I say, everybody's showing up," says Stewart.

The family was given an endless gift of support as they navigate Emelia's journey with cancer.

"We have a great community," says Elissa Roberts, Emelia's mom. "I can't even say just Dowagiac because everybody showed up, everybody around. I think they'll continue to show their support."

For Christmas this year, Emelia's family asks that you donate to childhood cancer.

You can donate to childhood cancer here:

Give to help kids live - St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

And you can donate directly to Emelia via PO Box or Venmo:

PO Box 25, Dowagiac, MI 49047

Venmo: lissaa28
