Lake Michigan College offers free 3D and 4D ultrasounds

BENTON HARBOR, Mich. -- For many expectant parents, seeing their baby for the first time is a moment they’ll never forget.  

And through the Lake Michigan College Sonography program, families can experience that special moment for free, while also helping students gain hands-on experience.

Lake Michigan College Program Director for Diagnostic Medical Sonography Elizabeth Zek started this program 16 years ago with hopes of training students through all types of ultrasounds and preparing them for their careers.   

Under the guidance of experienced professionals, the sonography department uses ultrasound machines to capture images of unborn babies.  

While the scans are for educational purposes only, parents can take home printed photos upon request. 

To participate in this, participants must be between 21 and 36 weeks pregnant and have already completed their first fetal anatomy scan with their OBGYN.

Appointments are available Tuesdays from now through April. 

  • Feb. 4 and 11  
  • March 4, 18, and 25  
  • April 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29 

 "Our patients are usually over the top, excited that they were able to participate in the learning process, so allowing the students to scan and of course, it's exciting for the students, because they that's their first exposure to real patients," Zek said. 

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