Holiday Heroes: Fremont Youth Foundation Christmas Toy Drive

Holiday Heroes: Fremont Youth Foundation Christmas Toy Drive

If being a mother is a full-time job, Whitney Williams is working overtime. 

“I have a house that I pay rent in. It’s her house, everything in it is hers, everything belongs to her, I just pay the bills,” Williams joked about her 7-year-old daughter Acelynn. 

Williams works overnight as a manager at McDonald’s, donates plasma for extra cash, and saves money by driving her daughter to and from her grandparents. 

All in between her 24/7 shift as a mother. 

“Anything I can do to help contribute to help her pursue becoming bigger and better than mommy has ever been,” Williams said. 

“I know parents struggle with coming up with enough money to give their kids everything they want,” resident of the Fremont Youth Foundation Kim Clowers said. “Everybody’s pinching pennies and can barely make it.”

When the Fremont Youth Foundation found out some South Bend Children weren’t able to take part in larger toy drives, the group organized one for the Fremont neighborhood.

“Then we pray to God we get enough donations to fulfill everybody’s hopes,” Clowers said. 

Nearly 250 children are signed up from 65 families needing some help. Families like Williams’, where the presents are for the children, but means everything to the parents. 

“[If] I can wake up and see her face lit up from four presents under the tree, I'm grateful,” Williams said. 

The Fremont Youth Foundation is accepting donations this Saturday, December 4, from noon to 6pm at the LaSalle Landing Center; 1831 N Fremont St. 

People who want to donate toys, but can’t come Saturday, can set up a time to drop off gifts by emailing [email protected]
