Holding your phone while driving is illegal starting Wednesday in Indiana

NOW: Holding your phone while driving is illegal starting Wednesday in Indiana

MISHAWAKA, Ind. --- Holding your phone while driving in Indiana will be illegal starting July 1.

It’s all a part of new hands- free law aimed at curbing distracted driving. The law makes it illegal to hold a cell phone behind the wheel unless you’re calling 911. This means no texting, calling, changing your music, or using maps.

According to Indiana State Police, more than 10,400 crashes were the result of distracted driving in 2019.

Your radio can still be operated while driving and you can still eat while driving under the new law but if you need to use your phone for any reason, you’ll have to use hands-free technology.

Drivers in violation of the law can be fined up to $500 and in July of 2021, points could be assessed to your driver’s license.

Lt. Tim Williams with Mishawaka Police explains that this new law makes it easier for law enforcement to give out distracted driving citations because there’s practically no excuse for having a phone in your hand.

“There are no excuses. If it’s in your hand, and we see it, we can pull you over and give you a citation for a hands-free violation,” Williams said. “It’s something we feel is important because we’re talking about saving lives and that life could be your own.”

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