Exploring the Spring Stars at St. Patricks County Park

Join St. Joseph County Park staff and the Michiana Astronomical Society at St. Patrick’s County Park Friday, May 11, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. to explore the night sky. The $3 per person fee includes park entrance and use of equipment. No pre-registration required.

Telescopes, planispheres, laser pointers, red lights and other equipment are provided for use. No experience or knowledge of astronomy required. People of all ages are invited to attend. Park staff will discuss various mythological stories behind many of the most popular spring constellations. A computer presentation highlights pictures taken from space. Learn how to chart the constellations. Create your own planisphere to take home!

St. Patrick’s County Park is located on Laurel Road, just north of Auten Road in South Bend. Please be at the Brown Barn promptly at 7:00 p.m. For more information please call 574/277-4828.

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